
Hot Tubs


Driftaway in the Media

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Koru Magazine- Front page & feature

Featuring on the cover of the Air NZ Koru magazine in May 2024 was a real "pinch me" moment for us here at Driftaway.

To be recognised for our sustainability as well as our hot tubs and accommodation was truly humbling.


Read a copy here!


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"Driftaway Queenstown might just be the coolest holiday park in New Zealand"

We're absolutely in love with this article from the team at 

Their kind words absolutely gave us the warm fuzzies and we so loved reading about their stay with us. 

If you're interested in reading about what it is like to bring your family to stay with us, click here to read the article. 

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Sustainability By Design

We're super proud of our sustainability efforts here at Driftaway. From the very beginning when we began planning, sustainability was at the forefront of everything we did. 

We feel so humbled to have our sustainability efforts spotlighted in the below articles:

Love Queenstown

Modern Campground article

ZipTrek Blog article


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architecture/construction awards

Driftaway would not be what it is without the help of some incredible people. We're proud to share some articles recognising them for their work and incredible creativity! Article on Immersion architecture top commercial architecture award 

Immersion Architecture case study on Driftaway and noted awards: 2023 Commercial Masterbuilders Tourism & Leisure Silver Award Winner, 2023 ADNZ Otago Southland Regional Award Winner – Commercial Architecture, 2023 ADNZ National Finalist – Commercial Architecture

Ferguson Builders finalists and Silver award winners at the New Zealand Commercial Project Awards

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Supplier case studies

Our wonderful suppliers Vendella and Creo have completed Case Studies about Driftaway. We're proud to share both articles below:


Creo Playground Design and Build case study 

Vendella fit out case study